Monday, March 06, 2006

Today I received my Spring Fling package from Chelsea in New Mexico! It was so much fun to open up the package and see all the fiber! I now have new fibers to try to spin. I love the dark green Coopworth/silk fiber. I already spun some on the cute Annie May spindle. Chelsea also hand dyed some bamboo and polypay wool. The colors are gorgeous and the bamboo is so silky. She also included some blue/green multi-colored Colonial wool - a great colorway. My kids will love the Peeps, but I think I will hide the Cadbury Creme Eggs for myself! :) My garden desperately needs flowers so I will plant the Iris bulb and look forward to it coming up this summer. Thank you Chelsea, you are so thoughtful. This has been a fun Yahoo Spindlers Group exchange.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Gold Medal in Knitting!!!

I just obtained my gold medal from the Yarn Harlot website. Thanks Stephanie Pearl-McPhee for coming up with a great idea that generated more interest than anyone could have expected. Go to to learn more about it.

It was a great challenge for me and it is good to know that I can knit a sweater in two weeks if I need to (in bulky yarn on #9 needles at least)!

Now for new challenges. This weekend I plan to work on some things I have been putting off. The Knitting Olympics was really an exercise in procrastination. I need to do my taxes (blech!), work on getting my website up and running, make some jewelry, spindle spin for my shawl and knit on the shawl, and work on some funky, designer yarn. I will have to make myself work in that order, or I will be tempted to do the reverse order, thus ending Sunday evening with more yarn spun and that's it. I need a shot of discipline.