Friday, October 29, 2010

Last post - I am moving to a new blog!

This is my last post on this blog. I am starting a new blog that will still have posts on my fiber interests (knitting and spinning) but will also include my other art interests (encaustic, collage, drawing, painting) and photos from my daily life and travels. It will be my all purpose blog where I can focus my energies.

You will find it at: Dreaming in Orange

My blog at Constant Bliss, is nearly complete. As I mentioned previously, I have been posting daily from four workshops that comprise the Wealthcare Program from Artella. The last one will end tomorrow. I will keep that blog alive indefinitely, so that you may use the programs at any time. The four programs: Gratitude Garland, Accounting Your Blessings, Miracle Soup, and Creative Manifestival, contain thought provoking questions and fun art exercises to help you to consciously create a life that you love. Following any, or all, of these programs will bring more joy into your life and will help you to manifest your dreams and desires.

I will also be keeping up my blog for my drawing class. It is a log of my work for the class. You can follow it here.

Peace and happiness,

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